Decimal point issue - iOS

Hello All,

I have been a Bubble user for over 2 years now and host a mobile app on the platform. I just noticed starting last week, that users can no longer enter decimal values using iOS devices. Has anyone else experienced this issue? The decimal inputs work fine via a desktop web browser and via Android devices, the issue is only on iOS (iPhone and iPad). Many of the calculations in our app require a decimal point value.

Screenshots attached of the decimal option not being available on the keyboard via iOS and the input box showing decimal input within Bubble.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you,



Hi @swvann

I had the same nice surprise! :slight_smile:

I my case, this is the result.

I used this, but same for INTEGER.

Keyboard layout with the use of decimal:

Thank you @JohnMark for that workaround! I attempted to change the content format to ‘Text (numbers only)’ but Bubble states the data field I am using is set to number and not text. We have so many data fields that could use decimals, I don’t want to have to re-create every data field as ‘text’ and then change all the input fields content format.

I did place a support request with Bubble. Hopefully there is something on their end that could change to allow decimal entries on iOS devices.


Has a resolution been found? I am struggling with this and need to be able to allow users to enter decimals!

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Unfortunately no. The latest iOS update did not resolve the decimal issue.

Hey Guys,

Had the same problem in one my customers app. This is a known iOS issue. I have tried almost everything and the conclusion I reached after all the research is that users of different frameworks developed plugins for it. In my case I have made a bubble up and down arrow input.


This counts as a Bubble bug no?
The decimal input element that Bubble provides does not work on web browser accessed by Apple devices.

I’ve had clients complain to me about this too. It would be amazing if Bubble could create a fix for this.


I concur, I feel like Bubble should attempt to release a fix for this issue. It’s been an issue now for over 2 months. I have pages in our mobile app that are currently not functioning, due to all the various calculations that require a decimal point entry.

For the long time Bubble users, what is the best way to get this on Bubble’s radar? I placed a bug report and was politely told this was an iOS issue and no action was taken on Bubble’s part.

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Hi @swvann

I’m sure it’s a Bubble priority, but not number one (urgent) in their list. As a bypass, you can install a plugin convert text to number, and change your inputs for text.

Hey everyone,

Our team has actually pushed a fix to modify this behavior; please do let us know if you’re still seeing issues!


Hi @eve, great news…thank you!! I just tested this in our app and the decimal point is back. I greatly appreciate the fix!


hi All,

I’m having the same issue, as this bug been re-introduced?

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Hi @eve @fede.bubble, this issue has popped up again, I’m getting customer complaints.

Is this happening for anyone else?

Best file a bug report if this is affecting you @ Contact | Bubble

I have, thanks!