Degraded bubble performance?

Anyone noticed some degraded bubble performance recently? I noticed it both on bubble website/editor and my bubble apps. It takes a while before webapp loads.


seems to be spotty

some days it is fairly quick, other days it is really slow

I can’t pinpoint what it is that causes it… assumed it was a bubble updating the server issue

Yep, it’s been up and down over the last couple of days.

Check Bubble service staus here

[10:05 GMT] Seems like it’s down again.

It’s impossible to access to my website. Any update?

Same here,

For the past 1/2 days I’d say, everything has been really slow to load within my app.

Even when everything seems to be operational on

editor had weird performace hickups for me already since weeks. Now it’s the second day in a row that also the live app is down for a longer period of time…

it is hardly workable :confused:

Extremely slow indeed. RG and searches are not loading.

They’ve reduced yesterday’s downtime to “Degraded performance” which is truly disturbing. They don’t seem to be taking the significant downtime seriously at all. Our Stripe webhook integration went haywire yesterday, timing out constantly, repeating workflows that were eventually completed even after the timeout, resulting in creation of duplicate entries and several email notifications for the same event.

This is not degraded performance. It’s a major outage going into its second day, with essentially no explanation from the Bubble team.


Historically a major outage is something that affects all shared clusters. As an anecdote, I have not experienced any issues with my live apps.

Though it was a little slow when starting a dev preview.

Feels like trying to build in treacle in the editor most of the time now.

I found that the editor runs like butter in Chrome on MacOS and swtiched away from working with Bubble on Windows, which despite being on a significantly more powerful machine, runs the editor in slow-mo.