Delete information from relational tables - delete data from other tables.

Speak personal.

I have an app with the following tables:
User, Test, Subject, Subject and Study Session.

It happens that I am not able to delete information from the remaining tables, for example:

The Exam table receives a list of Subjects, which in turn receives a list of Subjects, which in turn receives a list of SessionStudies.

When I delete some information from the Proof table, the relational information is not deleted and I have no knowledge of how to do this in Bubble.

Below image with the relationship of the tables.

What are you trying to do?..


I have the following tables in the app, in this sequence:

Exam, Subject, Subject and Study Session.

When a user requests the deletion of a Test, I want to delete the other related data.

It sounds like you want to add a database trigger which can be found in backend workflows:

Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 11.24.32 AM

In your only when condition specify when “Now is empty” (show below).

More info here: Trigger Event - Bubble Docs