Delete thing from unique ID set in custom state

Hi Everyone,

I’m having trouble deleting a thing, please can anyone help?

I have a repeating group which shows some items from a table, the green trash can icon works fine just using the delete workflow. I want a popup though with a confirmation button and can’t seem to get it working, I guess it’s something to do with passing data or I’m not selecting the right reference for it to look up in the rg or something? I tried creating a custom state on the page to store the unique id of the thing from the RG group which I’ve added as a text in the popup to confirm it is getting the correct record so the custom state is working but I just can’t figure out what to do next to make it delete the record from the table.

Maybe I’m overthinking it but please can anyone help?

I have a link to my example below


Hi there, @aaron-messenger… since your editor is open, I made some changes (although, someone else might undo those changes). Check it out now.


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That’s perfect, thanks for your help with this.

I’ve never used the Display Data before as I didn’t know what it is for but this is going to make a lot of things easier going forward.

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