Detect Invalid URLs and Redirect

Hi guys,

I’m using a single-page platform for my CRM-style software and want to detect when a user has entered an invalid URL because my elements use the URL to populate their displays.

I have achived the desired result by using an ‘On page load’ workflow to check the path against an option set, but the thing I’m yet to work out is how to check that a value is numerical.

For example:


How can I detect if a user has edited the URL to “week=hello” or similar?

Entering every possible integer in an option set is impractical, so I just need to know whether the value is numerical or not.

When you use the get data from URL and choose parameter you can set the type, so change it from text to number and then add an operator to check that it is greater than or equal to 0

I hadn’t thought of not catching the error and just preventing it being displayed instead.

That’ll work too, thank you.

I didn’t suggest that. I just simply provided a way to determine if the parameter is a number or not.

Ah, I misunderstood. I read that as being applied to the element, not the workflow. My mistake. Thank you.