Get from page URL type?

My app seems to be working just fine but wanted to determine whether this is a bug or not.

I am trying to populate a default value for a drop down on a results page by passing the selection made on the drop down on the index page. To do so I am using “Get from page URL.” For some reason I keep getting the error that the “Default value should be a number but right now it is a text.” on the results page when I do this. The drop down is a dynamic list formatted as a number. Not sure if the URL is still only formatted as text as I’ve read in other forums, but the default value is populating just fine despite this highlighted error. Is this a bug?


Error Message:

The dropdown can probably handle the conversion from text to a number itself, but Bubble’s error checker is throwing the exception. If there was a way to typecast the text, it would solve it, though I’m not aware of a way to typecast primitive datatypes in Bubble.

Hi @Scott - so does that mean this is NOT a bug? Or it is?


Depending on Bubble’s intentions, it may or may not be. If they strictly permit text only, it isn’t a bug. If they permit numbers as well, it’s a bug in the error checker.

This isn’t a bug, but we just added the ability to pick a type.


@Scott - looks like type has been added to “Get from URL” so problem solved!


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