Showing multiple Custom State data in RepeatingGroup


I have two custom states holding temporary data.
Now, I want to show data from those Custom States in the same RepeatingGroup.
I have managed to show the data from the first custom state, but not the second one.


  1. The data from both custom states should be displayed at the same time (no switching between the two required)
  2. Each custom state data should be displayed on separate rows as added.

Please advise, thanks

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Hi there,

What datatype are your custom states, and what is your Repeating Group’s data set to?

@msgiblin , custom states are text and the reaptingGroup element is also text.
I managed to show data from both states in the group with :merge with operator.

However, the data from Custom State 2 always adds to the bottom of the list, no matter what the order of addition is. Any clue how I could fix it?

Adding to a custom state will always add to the bottom of the list. The only 2 ways around this are if the RG displaying the data has a sort applied to some metric you can control, or if when adding the item, you re-write the entire custom state with a new order.