Dear All,
I’ve been struggling for months now to find information and solution for a very simple task.
I’d like to put together a website where if you click on a marker in a Google map then above (or somewhere around) in a field you can read more information about the selected location, which information was uploaded previously by another, registered user with a deadline for displaying - eg. information for geocaching that is available until 22nd Aug.
I could manage to get the address, dates, and description into the database, I can also get the markers displayed from the uploaded addresses, and I can even get the address displayed in a ‘Repeating Group’ if you click on a marker, …
…, but I cannot get the description (simple text) and deadline (end-date) displayed and filter all locations out of which deadline (end-date) has passed.
I also tried to make the Extended Google Map working without success and I am here now, wondering about how to get forward…
My imagination is that the display of data from the database should work with the Google Map as if that was a simple ‘drop-down’ menu where the ‘drop-down’ is actually a click on a marker.
Can you please help me with any hints and/or references? …, would be highly appreciated!