Do a search for or List?


I’m using bubble to build some kind of web-forum with posts, comments and comment replies (like on reddit / Facebook) and i’m wondering how to handle comments and comment replies in optimized way.

Example of what i’m talking about:

Right now each comment has field “linkedPost” in which i keep the post which was commented.
I show comments as ext. scrolling vertical repeating group and Data source of this group is “Do a search for Comments” where “linkedPost = Current Page Post”.

I do the similar thing with comment-reply.
Comment-Reply has field “linkedComment” in which i keep the comment which was replied.
I show comment replies as full list repeating group (because ext. vertical scrolling can’t be nested).
Data source of this group is “Do a search for Comment-Replies” where “linkedcomment = Current Cell Comment”.

I’m wondering if it will be better to change it to lists (add List of comments field to posts and List of comment-replies to comments).

At this point i’m not sure which approach will be better when it comes to scale - let’s say there will be few thousands of posts, several dozen thousands of comments and comment-replies. Which approach will be faster? Do a search for or list?

Maybe it will be better to leave comments as it is but change comment-replies to list?