I would love to create nested comments (like on 9gag / reddit), example below:
|Reply to Main Comment 1
|Reply to Main Comment 2
|Reply to Main Comment 2
If MAIN COMMENT have more than five replies i would like to show only first one and button “show more replies”, which will show the full list of replies.
In order to achieve that i used two repeating groups (one inside another).
First one (for main comments) is ext. vertical scrolling, second one ( for replies) is “full list”.
Right now those replies (full lists) are loading very slowly, even if comment has one or two replies.
In order to load those replies i use "Do a search for REPLIES " where “linked comment = current cell comment”.
How can i avoid that / make it faster / rebuild it to work better?
Right now i’m using some loader animation from lottie but it’s too long anyway…