Have been trying for hours to be able to search for user using constraint.
First i used “Do a search for user: first item” is showing error.
And again “Do a search for user: each item email contains input email value” the constraint is showing blue which means is correct, but, its not working properly is doing opposite of what it’s asked to be doing, please is anyone experiencing this same issue and how can I get that fixed please .
That would be because of incompatible data types e.g trying to return a User to a text field
You should be doing a search for user where email = input email’s value as a constraint, not ‘each item’s email contains input email value’.
Also, make sure you’ve configured privacy rules appropriately. The thought of leaving every user email available to search in the front end seems daft to me but I doubt that’s worth explaining right now.
Send us screenshots of your search so we can help
What am I supposed to do cause bubble has make a lot of updates and have tried to get wetther there’s any settings attached to this but I couldn’t find one.
What are you trying gto do?
Your search says ‘Only when Search for users…’
That makes no sense. Only when Search for users… what? When Search for Users count > 20 users? When Search for users’s first item is empty?
Okay, now i only have yo users for testing and I want to send a reset password link to any of the users but I need to add a constraint that will check if the email provided by the user is currently in the user DB so please how exactly this suppose to be done,
If you check the images well one says “Do a search for user: email = input reset password”?
Create an action in a workflow that sends password reset link
No, you don’t. If it doesn’t find the user then no reset link will be sent.
When Button is clicked:
Send password reset email
Email to reset: Input’s reset password’s value
I knew this is going to work, but what am trying to archive is that if the recipient email not found I want to be able to trigger a workflow that the email provided has not been registered .
It’s not great practice because then anyone can find out if a certain email uses an application.
You have two main options:
Show an alert only when Search for users:first item is empty. This isn’t recommended because it requires exposing every user’s email publicly.
Make API request to backend workflow that does the search and ignores privacy rules, returning a ‘yes/no’ if a user with that email can/can’t be found.
Wow, this is really true .
How can I get this done please,
Can I get some screenshots ?