Search for First Item error

Last I logged in to my bubble was about a month ago and I just noticed the that ‘Do a Search for first item’ is not working in my dev environment. Now I’m scared to push other changes to live. It is still working in Live and I dont know whats wrong with the ‘version-test’

For example: This searches for Social Profiles with the constraints. And if the search returns a value, the button is visible. I am using the ‘contain’ to restrict the search to the Current User’s Social . A Users Social contains a List od Social Profiles.

The has been working for months, I just noticed its not working in the ‘version-test’ environment. As well as other ‘Search for First Item’ functions accross the app. I don’t know what’s going on.

Have you privacy rules changed ? Blocking it from seeing the social profiles search. In debug mode check the search value and see if its empty or returning something unexpected. also in your screenshot you have doesn't contain but your post says you want contains