Do every X seconds -> Schedule API workflow, not working

I do a check every X system if certain conditions are met, and if they are, some actions are executed, including a scheduled API workflow at current date/time. All the actions seems to be running, except the API workflow, which doesn’t return anything.

Is this an intentional limitation in Bubble, that Do every X cannot schedule an API workflow?

I don’t know if we’re experiencing the same bug, but I have noticed many times scheduled API workflows will not fire reliably. What does the debugger on “Step-by-step” mode tell you?

I have noticed this too, but it might be because of intentional Bubble limitations that I’m unaware of (not allowing API scheduling from Do Every X seconds makes sense to avoid too heavy server workloads for example).

The debugger shows the conditions as green, so the API workload should run. It doesn’t return anything however (doesn’t make changes to the Thing it’s supposed to). If I run the same API workflow with a button instead, it works as expected. Which leads me to believe there is something in the Do every X workflow that is simply not firing.

Are you able to view server logs of your apps on your Bubble plan?

I’m currently trying to do a large update on tens of thousands of records using schedule API on a list. There’s no visibility into how it works, or when it stops working, or why. What I have seen is that the execution of the workflows might happen “sooner or later”. I’ve come back to find data updating 10 minutes after I scheduled the list. But it also seems like if I try to schedule too many then most of them will silently fail and never update at all.

On shared plans, Bubble has limits on how many records you can process (I don’t remember the exact number). Also, my impression is that API processes are slower than regular workflows, and records with thousands of data points might take a long time to finish.

In my view though, in both our situations, Bubble should let you know its limitations (through error messages/warnings/etc), and not just not do it. I’ve learned about many of the limitations as I’ve been working, but some of them I spent hours and days searching for bugs, when the answer was that Bubble simply does not run the workflow if it crosses the workload limit. Time completely wasted, that could have been avoided by a simple error message.



Sorry for not following up, and thanks for trying to help me out Philip! We are closing in on launching the app, so I’m a bit drowned in different tasks right now. I found another way to solve our problem, and simply forgot about the thread.

What is the workflow limit for shared plans?