Do not display URL on geolocation in webview

Hey guys,

As you know I made this post: Native MOBILE app - like cheap or FREE 📱 with FREE & Unlimited PUSH notifications! 📬
The problem that I am facing when getting the current user’s location is that after the web view prompts for geolocation access, bubble will still prompt its request displaying the website address.
How can we avoid that? If we allow on the first prompt but won’t allow on the second one, it’s useless, location will not be displayed.

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Anyone have a solution? I also want to avoid the popup saying “” is requesting access to your location. This popup occurs every time the app requests user location, which is not user friendly :slight_smile:

I’ve allowed SuperView to access geolocation (which the user only needs to give permission via a pop-up once). Perhaps I just need to send this data to my Bubble database? Sherman

hey @mvandrei ! Did you ever manage to find a workaround on this?

unfortunately no :frowning:
I was facing other issues, I might resume this at some point, but I strongly believe it’s something bubble needs to work on.

I’ve just started using Superview. Did you find a way to drag the location info from the JS Bridge rather than using Bubble’s built in location request that prompts a further permission popover?

nope :frowning:


Did you try to use the following method?

You can check out the SuperView docs for the additional information in the case if you are using a wrapper provided by the SuperView.

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Yes, since I’ve never checked the new documentation with the updated SuperView version.

I’ll be eternally grateful if anyone has any clues how to use that JavaScript to return its latlong value to be saved into Bubble!

I’ve tried the other commands in the Xcode sim such as show rate app and it works fine. It’s just generating and storing a value in stuck on.

Do it like this Matt…

Run JavaScript action and this code:'current_gps_location', {}, (results, error) => {

	alert("Latitude: " + results.latitude);
	alert("Longitude: " + results.longitude);


You can then use the JS To Bubble element to get the values into a custom state.
If you’re not sure on how to use that, then let us know and I’ll show you how.
