Does Anyone Have GoDaddy As Their Registrar? How To Set Bubble DNS Record?

In GoDaddy you cannot set a domain-based Alias/ARecord - it must be an IP, so you can’t setup as referenced in the documentation.

Instead, based on GoDaddy supports recommendation, I’m forwarding traffic to the root @ to using a domain forwarder (which adds an a record I suppose) but it’s just bringing me to that BUBBLE page, and not my app.

What am i doing wrong?

All my other domains are on a different registrar and they work fine.

Hey @JustinC,

I also used GoDaddy has my registrar and ran into this. I used Namecheap’s free DNS service. To do that you need to set up with Namecheap and also add custom nameservers in GoDaddy. To do that you go to ‘Manage DNS’ within GoDaddy and change the nameservers to a set up like:
Screen Shot 2020-03-22 at 13.36.09

Then you add the credentials from your bubble settings section into Namecheap under Advanced DNS settings - more on that here -

While this forum thread was focused on a migration to CloudFlare, I found a lot of it’s content helpful in getting me set up - [New feature] Cloudflare for all - #138 by pork1977gm

Hope that helps!

(BTW - it takes time for changes to come into place. Patience is key here…)

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