Domain - DNS records check error

Hello everyone.

I am trying to deploy a website following the standard procedure already used in other projects. However, this time, the detection of the DNS records is taking a long time (more than 4 days, since aug/02).

In the screenshots, you can see that the configurations are correct, but there is an error occurring with Cloudflare. It seems there is something wrong with the internal pointing on Cloudflare or the certificate has not been generated. Has anyone experienced this problem before, or does any Bubble mediator have a suggestion on what can be done to complete the publication?

Thank you for your help!

Captura de Tela 2024-08-06 às 09.16.51
Captura de Tela 2024-08-06 às 09.17.17
Captura de Tela 2024-08-06 às 09.18.28

i think you have not buy SSL certificate. pls check SSL certificate.

Hi @servicosdigitais,

What’s your domain?

In the other Bubble projects I developed, it was not necessary to acquire a separate SSL; it was always automatically generated by Bubble once the pointing was identified. Isn’t this the standard?

Hi @johnny !

Interesting. Have you reached out to support at Bubble Support Center?

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