I hope you are all doing well. I am having trouble setting up a custom subdomain and I was hoping someone could help me out.
I have followed the instructions provided in the documentation, but when I check my settings it keeps telling me that the DNS records were not found. I have attached some screenshots of the issue to this post for reference.
I have double-checked all the settings, but I can’t seem to find the problem. Has anyone else encountered a similar issue? If so, could you please share some advice on how to fix it?
How long have you waited since adding records? Keep in mind propagation to fully be complete can take 24-48 hrs until then it may not load, come without an SSL, work in some regions, devices, browsers but not others.
Assuming your domain is compera.io then the CNAME looks like myapp.compera.io is pointing at but then cloudflare doesn’t like it.
Remove that CNAME and check if app.compera.io is working ok.
Did you tell Bubble that the domain was app.compera.io? Is compera.io pointing anywhere? Not sure DNS will like that.