Download CSV from Repeating Group plugIn


Maybe is it possible to order the field to export with this plugin… ?

I can not understand part 4 of this plugin

  1. Enter the columns of your CSV (from left to right) as text elements.

If someone uses it, would it be possible to have a screenshot that explains how it works?
Thank you.


Hey @abaudin

Sure - so set the repeating group to ‘Full List’ as the layout style, add the type of content and the data source (I think the limit export is 50 rows).

Then in the repeating group add text elements that each have a dynamic value. The order is defined literally by the left to right ordering, as shown below:


If you want to customise the heading of each row, you can add a value to the ID of the text element to describe what value it holds e.g.

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Hello @luke2.

Are you sure this “plugin” works?
The “RG” has an “ID Attribute”, each of the fields also has an “ID_Attribute”
I do what is requested, but in the end, I only download an empty excel file …
Thank you

Does the RG render on the page with the data, just double check.

Should all work, you have to make sure that the RG is visible as well for the export. Do you have any screenshots of the full setup?

Here it is :wink:

The datas…

The RG

The fields

The workflow

The result


It looks like the elements within the repeating group are ‘inputs’. I believe the plugin only supports ‘text’ elements which enables the rendering of the output. Changing the inputs to text elements should do the job.

I’ve also noticed that you have to use text elements with the option disabled for ‘cut off content if…’.

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OK… ! :wink:
The results :slightly_smiling_face:
Open the csv file with:
Excel on the left :sob: … Libre office on the right …

Thanks @luke2

Your welcome.

Thats a bit strange with MS Excel - I’ve tested with Google Sheets and the export looks good, same as you’ve pointed out in Libre Office. Maybe there is a settings issue with MS Office when you open? Doesn’t seem to be separating the comma values as expected.

On Excel
1 - click on Data
2 - Obtain data from
3 - Select the file
4 - Select the file type
5 - Select the separator
6 - click on “Transform Data”

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Hello Abaudin,

Asking you how you managed to export the CSV. What configuration did you make apart from the captures you shared?

He is sending it to me empty.