So I want users to select a salary range using a dropdown. The employer inputs the salary information about the job and the job seeker selects the salary from the dropdown menu. For example if user select 40,000+ it would jobs that are between $40,000 - $49,000 in salary.
Ensure that the range should be between numbers. If your dropdown values are texts, add the :converted to number operator for both the values
Let me know if that works
The dropdown values are numbers. What am I doing wrong? Please take a closer look at the image.
Best approach. 1 parameter for min and 1 parameter for max
My dropdown value are numbers. And I think I already tried what you suggested.
I recommend taking away the :Max operator from the Get Data from URL:
Anyone else thing that they can help solve my issue?
Instead of using ‘Salary = Range’, in which case my understanding is it’s specifically looking for a number that matches that range (as opposed to being within the range), I recommend setting 2 separate constraints:
Salary ≥ Get s from page URL
Salary ≤ Get t from page URL
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!1
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