Dropdown Select Formatting Issue on Mobile

Hey bubblers,

Having an issue with the Dropdown Select on Mobile not showing the dropdown arrow and the text defaulting to left aligned. My Dropdown selector text is formatted to be center aligned.

The issue is that without the arrow… it just looks like a word in a box. And being left aligned is just a slow OCD death. lol.

Please help!

*The issue only shows up on my actual mobile phone. When I inspect or check the responsive view… it shows it’s working properly. But lo… on my phone it does not work properly.

Hi there @NoCodeNinja,

This might just be a browser formatting thing. What browser are you using?

Tried it in Chrome and Safari using my iPhone X.

In addition to this bug… I’ve also noticed that when clicking on the DATE/TIME Selector or a basic NUMBER INPUT on IOS… it causes the screen to zoom in by about 20-40 pixels. Then the user has to zoom back out to make the screen resize appropriately.

What’s the best way to submit these bugs to Bubble?

Create a new post and choose BUGS as a category. If you’re 100% sure it’s a bug you can fill out this form: Bubble Bug Report

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So I still can’t figure out why the Dropdown aligns to the left and drops the arrow on mobile…

But… I was able to solve why the calendar and number inputs forced the screen to zoom in. It was a size issue on IOS. When the font size is less than 16px… the screen will automatically zoom in when you click that field.

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