Dynamic Pages - I don't think Bubble can do this

My site is everyevent.uk - a listing site for caterers. Fairly simple!

We want to create some dynamic pages that hinge off of two inputs:
The google searcher’s location
The google searchers caterer type

For example, they would google ‘Buffet catering in London’.

We want to copy what this site does, where they have dynamic pages to capture these two components and create all the variants of pages with complete slugs:

How in the heck do we create dynamic pages that generate from a google search input? Every post or youtube video depend on the user clicking a link already on the site - which defeats the purpose.

Beyond that, I haven’t seen how we can generate dynamic pages based off of two items (location & type)… I’ve only seen the ability to set the page type eg (vendors) which would then create a page for each vendor.

We are quite desperate on this if anyone has the knowledge to inform me how I’m being slow! We’ve had to put off operations to get this sorted unfortunately.

Thanks in advance, bubblers!

You can run workflows off and show customsied data with URL parameters. and use conditions that tap on url parameters. You can view this post to learn about how to set and use URL parameters:

Hey Jordan - Love the demo video!

Unfortunately, this isn’t relevant to my question above. This is not simply just a list of products, this is an intersection of products vs a type set in option sets.

Also, I just simply still don’t understand how to create deep links Eg www.mywebsite/link/deeperlink/deeperlink

The URL parameter @nocodejordan mentioned are exactly what you would use to do something like this. Think of it as using the URL to store bits of data, that Bubble can grab and know what to load, what to show, what page to jump to and how far into that page, etc. When a user on page #3 of a repeating group in a forum, you could have a workflow that says something like:

User clicks button to advance page in reapeating group → Go To Page: Destination: Current Page; Key: Page = RepeatingGroup’s page number. And then I have another workflow for When Page is Loaded, which is what enables hitting the back button to jump to that page.

That workflow looks like: When Page is Loaded → Go to page of repeating group: Page = “Get page from Page URL” and it works well.

Additionally we use slug values to load a page dynamically. For example, I am working on an app with a database of recipes. I have one page called ‘recipe’, and when a user searches for a particular recipe and chooses one, my url becomes /recipe/“slugvalue”, so to the user they’ll see /recipe/mai-tai/ . They can save this url or even guess it (/recipe/manhattan) and the page will load that recipe. I didn’t create an individual page for each of these, especially as my goal is to have thousands available - all the one page, loading dynamically.

I understand but I am not wanting to pass paramaters to the URL - I am not wanting to make any action, or the user to make an action, I just wish for the pages to exist under a dynamic setting.

If you see the example I gave with that addtoevent.co.uk, this page is not something a user clicks into, but a page that exists to purely to capture the user’s googled terms and then to funnel the user to the rest of their site.

So this is not driven in-app at all like your recipes, these are pages that are dynamically created internally.

Just as a sidenote - thanks for the full explanation. Your example with page navigation is workflows to navigate between pages and passing states as parameters through the URL. It is not dynamically created pages (Unless I’m missing something!)

From what I’ve seen I have not seen any examples of being able to create dynamic pages that are:

  1. NOT triggered by a user clicking a link
  2. and can combine all the permutations of two combos of data:
    EG: Blogs/dangerous/(list all the dangerous blogs
    Blogs/travel/lists all the travel blog
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The website is not dynamically making anything

What you’re actually seeing is that company pre-generated a bunch of things in their database with events with popular cities, then Google is crawling their website for those

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Ah, okay! So those pages all just already exist!

If i wanted to replicate this, should I set up a recursive workflow to create all the pages?

So create
(all the types)


Etc etc, until I’ve created all my pages?

Also, would this mean I’ve got tons of pages sitting in my menu? I feel that would become hard to manage!

You’d create one page of some kind of App Type. Let’s say Caterers. Then each caterer will have a slug that you set. The slug on the url will determine which caterer info to display in this page.

Yes pre making some with all the popular cities would get you started. Then if a user searches for a city that isn’t in your database, have it automatically make it right there so it can be found later through Google

Not sure what this means? What menu? It would be a single page but a bunch of database items of events/venues/whatever it would be called.

Manchester or London would be the slug for your thing, not a new page (lowercase though)

@doug.burden we out here

Your page can just be the index, then everything after that in the URL is a path you set up. @doug.burden maybe you know more how to set up paths, I don’t know much

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Yea unless he’s already got an index already. We stay out here baby

Thanks Tyler, that’s been really helpful… I deifnitely feel I’m one step closer.

I understand all you’ve said there, but I just can’t find how to make these URL paths.

Would you mind telling me how I actually create a path? like, what’s the action / flow that i do?

I don’t know either :joy: I am only familiar with URL parameters


Setup a generic page that will display generic data about a venue. It could be a picture, a description, and reviews.

On this page, in the settings box, you can set a ‘Type of content’. This will be a ‘Thing’ from your database, most likely a Venue (or whatever you have called it).

Now, this Venue Thing in Bubble needs a slug to be able to tell the page that you want to show this particular Venue Thing’s data.

So your venue’s can share their URL with customers like https://iwipestanding.com/venue_page/dougie

dougie is the slug in the url, and venue_page is the page name in bubble.

The slug, the User can set themselves. Or you can do it for them.

If a User is to navigate within your site to a specific Venue Thing You’ll use the ‘Go to page’ action with ‘Data to send’ set as Current Page Venue

Hey Doug, this is kind of my issue.

I understand all of it - but I can’t see an explanation how to do the actual action?

I can create the page, set the type, but then every explanation say ‘then create the slug & path’ - How though?

I feel I’m going crazy on it

Can they do something like https://iwipestanding.com/venus/catering/london/xyz/abc

Or paths like that are not possible?

Bubble can get data from a path, but can’t set a path? (aside from the url/pagename/slug)

I’ve tried every angle but I just can’t find the solution!


Could use querystrings. But inside or outside of bubble, you can’t dynamically create new pages.

So I’d go with naming a page something generic like ‘business’ then the path to a slug https://domain.com/business/slug and display generic data.

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Lets say I have a page called ‘store’

This is a single page that will show potentially thousands of different store info from thousands of different stores.

The Store will be tied to the Creator of the Store and Store slug is how you access the particular ‘Store’

So if you had a repeating group of available stores and user clicks on one, you’d say Go to page Store > Data to send > current cells Store

Then the dynamic data would be something like

Displaying a pic
Dynamic image > Current page’s Store’s Pic

Sure but the slug of the product is just that last piece of the URL path - How do I create aa link to the page?