Dynamically set position when showing an element from workflow

I’m using a workflow trigger to show an element. I need the element to display at a certain position, based on where the workflow was triggered. How can I dynamically set the position of the element I am displaying?

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Hey @vlfuller

Great question! We actually recently introduced a fun interactive plugin that might help in this regard. Here’s our announcement about it: [New plugin] Mouse & Keyboard Interactions (Highly experimental!) - #16 by w.fly

Specifically, there are ways to reposition items based on clicks that might be worth exploring. While I haven’t specifically done what you’re trying to accomplish, if I needed to build it, this is for sure where I’d start.

Give it a look and of course, don’t hesitate to reach out to Support@Bubble.io with any additional questions.


Could you not use the group focus element?

I believe you can assign its anchor position to a dynamic value. There are multiple ways you could do this using a state value and assigning its value when clicked.

If that doesn’t help I might be able to give a demo later today.