Dynamique Table

Hello every Body
Il would like to transform my table as show below.
How can I do? Thanks for your help

There are a couple of grid plugins or there is a beta bubble feature called tables. If you share your app, I might be able to assist better.

I belive there are 4Q, like Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4.

first create a variable of the user in a popup, just add a popup and inside it add a repeatign element with the user listed. for example var - users

then inside table refer that variable and do a group by and user a common field in this case name.

this will only list names and then for each field you have to refer that vairable and do a filter by name and Qs.

like for Q1 you can same var - users: filter by , name equal to current cell's things name and Quaestion mark equal to Q1 : first item we choose first item because it will always return one item.

simply do this for Q2, and Q3 and Q4.

see if this is helpfull, else ping me and i will walk you through it

Perfect ! Thanks a lot for your advice.
