Email notification when a user gets a new message in my app

I’ve been struggling with a question if I am able to make messaging logics that will let me send a message to an email of a user when he has unread messages

Currently I have chat
In the chat when a user sends a message, it autonatically goes to unread messages in database, and goes out of there if the second user views the group with messages

I also have a list of chats where everything in a cell gets bold if a user has unread messages in the cell

so, how can I connect my current logics to sending email notifications?

Thanks in advance

Hey there, you can try scheduling workflows to check if there are any unread messages. If there are, send out an email to the user. You can also look into database triggers, to send an email to a user if someone sends them a message. Our team would be more than happy to send you more resources if you’d like to message us at

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I have implemented this using a backend workflow data base trigger. eg if new thing of type message is created (& search for unread messages for same user is 0) then send email

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