Send users notification email, but only one!


I’m struggling with how to deal with notifications (sending email or SMS) to users on my platform. I have a message functionality within my platform, so I want users to get notified when they have received a new message. (since in this stage of my app, they’re also spending their online elsewhere).
However, I want to stop emailing after this initial message, because I want to use the email as a ‘trigger’. THerefore it’s not good to let the “Send Email” be part of the workflow every time a message is send, because when a conversation gets started then, all users will be spammed with emails…

Is it possible to let the notification email be sent, only when there has been no notification email sent in the past 24 hours or so?? I’m just figuring out a solution to let this work, and I don’t think I am the first one with this issue:)…


Yes, if you want this to be sent only once ever, you could include a boolean field called email_sent on the user table and set it in your workflow when you send an email, but add a condition to only send an email if the value of this field is not yes.

If you want to send an email only once per day, then you could have an email_date_time field to record when the email was sent and add a condition to only send if that date < current date/time +days(-1).


@louisadekoya, great, that sounds like the solution for me.

However, what do mean with a boolean field?
So, but then I need to keep record of the emails sent everytime?
Situation: Only send emails once per day… Then the workflow will have a condition, stating that, “only send when the last email was sent >24 hours day”? So then on User level, I need to have a list of sent emails?

You probably don’t need a list of emails sent, just “date of last email” on the user.

Update it when the email is sent, and have a condition on the workflow as above.


@louisadekoya @NigelG
Thanks for the support, it’s all clear for me now !

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I am currently installing this, but how do I manage that every user get’s notified, except the one who created the message? Because there is no need to notify someone of his/her’s own message.
The workflow is currently set up as: Send email to List of Users, but I don’t know how to add a features like “except the creator of the message”
Can you help me?


Use a filter to say “where the user <> the current user”.


As always, thank you very much mr. NigelG:slight_smile:

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