Email verification for signup

Hello I

I am trying to set up a verification for new user signups.

I checked the box in the action.
Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 14.00.34

In my page email_confirmation I have set the button to:
Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 14.01.46
Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 14.02.03

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 14.02.15

But I keep getting an error message when confirming with this button:

“No user to set a temporary password to”

I also noticed that the url briefly shows a UID and then disappears and turns to:

“https:// duplicateninalove. bubbleapps .io/ version-test/email_confirmation”

I made a screenshot form a screencast below where you can see the link:

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 14.42.02

In the third action of your workflow, can’t you reference the User from “Result of step 2” ?


One more thing… are you sure the second step of your workflow is working? It shouldn’t… :sweat_smile:

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Actually this workflow was working. I’ve set it up (with some help) a couple of years ago, but then we decided to not use the email verification.

But thinking about it, you’re right. There is no user with that id… :upside_down_face:

And now I am struggling putting it back together… :roll_eyes:

Assuming I would reference the result of step 2 in step 3 where do I get the UID in order to confirm the email?

In the Step 2 you are making changes to the user.
The step 3 (Assign a temp password to a user) needs a user.
So in the Step 3, in the field “User”, instead of making a Search, just reference the result of the Step 2.

It seems like in the Step 3 you are not getting the data of user. Instead of searching for a user try referencing the user from your step 2.

@jangidrahul0494 and @rpetribu

Changing the third step and referencing the user to the second step does not change the outcome.

In order to identify the user (it’s a signup confirmation page) the UID has to be retrieved from the URL. The URL should come from the email.
But in the URL the UID is missing (as I stated in my first message).

Thanks for taking your time!!

Ok, so, the information that the second action is actually not working makes sense for me. As I already presumed. That is why referencing the second step will not change the outcome. The second step is also not finding any user.

When you check the option to “Send an email to confirm the email” Bubble will handle all the process. Clicking in the link received in the email, your user will be redirected to the confirmation page provided by you (in your case email_confirmation) and his e-mail will be automatically confirmed and the data field called “email_confirmed” (inside your User) will change to YES.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 14.00.34

So, in the end, you don’t need to create a data field called “verification”. You can use the already built field called “email_confirmed”.

Make sense?

Ooook… Well that worked. Weird is, that I didn’t come up with that wrong WF. It used to work one time… Well

I don’t have such a field in my User… you mean this should be a custom field like Created Date, Modified Date or user?


This field (email confirmed) does not exist as a field of User datatype that you can play with but when you try to access it as Current User from any page it is there. I am sure Bubble has its reason to hide it from the data tab.

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I never really understood the reason why… what made me come with another custom solution to confirm my user’s email where I have more control….

After working once, it stopped working and is showing an error when hitting the confirmation button: (insert an email)

This is the signup wf:


Thanks a lot.

I couldn’t understand the problem to be honest :slight_smile: Maybe you can ask it in another thread more clearly so other people can chime in as well.

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I am sorry.
I added another issue that happens at the same time.

I edited the message by referring only to the thread problem.

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