Emails showing in logs as sent but not sending/delivering?

for some reason our emails are showing in server logs as sending/sent but not actually sending or being received? They were working fine but have stopped working as of the last few days.

Using bubbles native send email workflow option. Never had issues before now. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

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Yeah, Bubble is having an issue. :blush:

Might want to switch over to this if you really need emails to work consistently: Problems sending emails? Try Postmark instead. $75 free for bootstrapped startups! 🎉

yeah we use postmark for all of our customer facing emails/transactional thank god. So it’s only affecting our internal emails/alerts but looking at how long this issue has been happening I think will be switching all emails to the postmark API after this lol.

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Yeah, I strongly suggest switching it over since you are already paying for Postmark. It shouldn’t really cost any more to just add those emails in as well. Great plan! :blush:

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