Hello. I am sorry if this question was asked before, just cannot find a solution for my problem. I got Organization data type, that contains Property data type, and in every property there are Document data type. And no matter how i implement privacy rule, i cannot get search enabled. I need restrict document access for only Managers that are in Organization under Property.
I tried to create a field in User data type called “Managed organization” but still i need that “This Document’s X’s Y” rule that not able to enable search. Is there any workaround? Should all the documents have both property and organization fields to make it work? I cannot refer to second level like - if this Users Manager Organization property contain This Document, or This Document Property Organization contains Current User?
Thank you for help, i hope my explanation is not very messy.
Have a good day!
I recommend saving the field that you need on the dataType. If all the documents have both property and organization fields would make it work for you, then yes, I would do it that way. Privacy rules are pretty basic. Simplifying the structure is the way to go in my opinion. Other developers might have a different view though.
It’s not simplifying the structure, since i should have lot’s of additional fields in every data type and additional steps in workflows to add all this fields data to every thing.
Yeah, I don’t mean simplifying the structure as in ‘make it easy for you to do’. I mean, make it simpler for the privacy rules to work. Hope that makes more sense.