Hi, I’m currently building a two-sided marketplace as I know quite a few have done on here and was hoping for individuals to weigh in and give any tips/ advice when building an mvp.
Also, have an issue with my “Details” page in that I can’t get it to display the chore in question’s details in the right boxes displayed.
Without signing up, I can already say there is a ton of design work that needs to be done.
There’s not much else to really see without signing up but design is most definitely a huge point I’d recommend focusing on as well as adding more content to your landing page.
I would have to agree @lockymadera here, design definitely needs improving. The app is also not mobile responsive.
For starters, the inputs are way too small. Check out dribbble for inspiration and search for input size on Google.
I’m also putting together a marketplace (since October) and recently spent around three days simply working on a style guide to be used throughout the app. A style guide is a good place to start. After you’ve created styles and applied to all elements, you can easily change everything globally. Obviously style is a very personal thing, but it does help capture your audience.
It takes time to style an app (especially for me, I’m really bad at UI!). Here’s my app register page. I just wanted to add here to show you what is possible, even for someone that’s bad at UI. Let me know what you think (mobile shot).
@adamoyekola I agree with the previous comments. Work on your design. If it’s not something you are comfortable with, but willing to try, it can take days. Good luck.
Thanks for the response. Yeah! Design is terrible I’d agree. Was more so trying to get something working. Do you think I should design myself or get a template?
Thanks for your response! Will defo check out dribble. I wanted to get something working and then apply/ work on UI. Or do you feel it should be done the other way around?
If you’re rubbish with UI then maybe take a look at a template to help you out, but would agree with @bakerofideas that doing it yourself will really help you in the future .
So I’ll assume you’ve already drafted your app and database (paper and pen, or in Excel etc.) and are ready to start creating that on bubble. I’m also assuming you’ve had a good play on bubble to make sure you understand most things.
I dove straight in when I started creating my app and it soon ran away from me. I regret not creating some semblance of a style guide because I had to go back through the entire app and add styles to everything.
Unsure if others would recommend this, but I would start out by creating a page called styles and adding at a minimum:
Typography (heading 1, 2, paragraph, list etc.)
Popup styling
Inputs for everything you’ll use (dropdown, standard input, date time etc.)
Here’s what I created. It’s a little messy right now but you should get the idea. I can simply copy and paste elements because everything is already styled. Later, if I decide I wanted to change a colour for example, I would just change this on the style page and it would change globally throughout the app.