File upload limitation due to browser

I have developed a plugin for uploading files, but the only issue that I am facing is the file upload size limit. I guess that is at the browser’s end because Bubble allows you to upload files up to 5 GB.

I just wanted to know if there is any workaround for this issue.
Thanks in advance.

Not explored this but you could consider building a server-side plugin maybe?

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Thanks for your response. I will give it a try.

Your plugin looks nice, but yeah, those download limits are a headache. If Bubble allows up to 5 GB, the problem may lie with browser settings or intermediate server restrictions (like timeout). Cut files into smaller pieces on the client side before uploading (via JavaScript, for example with the FileReader library) and reconstitute them once downloaded. This often gets around the limitations imposed by browsers. If you have a dedicated backend, make sure it’s configured to handle large transfers.

Thanks for the advice. I have resolve the issue. first I was using the base64 and blobs for extracting certain file attributes but now u have directly used the file object for the uploading and its working fine.

Appreciate your response again.

As I understand it from building my backend File Uploader, the hard limit of the /fileupload endpoint is around 50MB

The native Client side Fileupload Element switches gear to another Endpoint when exceeding that size. I don’t know how to interact with that other endpoint, but it’s there and if your Browser can make the request with the native Tool, you should somehow be able to do it as well with a little testing :wink: