Hi all, hoping this will be a quick and easy answer for someone but I can’t work it out. I have a RG for a parent table with a RG containing child table records within it. I want to only display parent records when the count of child records that have a field with a specific value is not 0, but I just can’t seem to get the structure/syntax right… I’ve been trying filtering but can’t seem to get it right.
I don’t want that first record there because it doesn’t have any subrecords with a field with a certain value. There are actually two subrecords for this record, but they are filtered out in the child RG.
I found out how to do it, so thought I’d post it here in case it’s useful to someone else as it was a little bit hit and miss.
Here’s the repeating group - problem test measurements is a RG within the needs and competition RG. What I needed to do was not display a need and competition RG if there were no problem test measurement records where the field “do or ask” was “ask”