Filtering RG based on a search box

Hello guys!

I have a RG that displays all things. I want to make this RG receptive to the searched items. Presently, the data source is expressed as this:
Screen Shot 2022-10-20 at 11.27.28 PM

Based on reading some cases here, most would use DO A SEARCH FOR as their data source, then the type is based on the DB whilst constraints are tied to the search box.

However, I am encountering this error:

It suggests an operator that only singles out the first item on this list. The display in RG, when the search box is filled out, should only show what it is being required.

Use the Search&Autocorrect plugin.
Set your RG’s data source as Search&Autocorrect A’s matches on a conditional when the search input’s value is not empty.

That will make the RG repopulate as the user types!

Thank you @atomicfusion , actually I searched this apporach on youtube from buildcamp’s video. Now, I am able to install fuzzy search and regular search, however, I prefer to do fuzzy search. My issue now is that after following each instruction, when the fuzzy search is not empty, the RG displays the list of things, but when I start to type, the RG displays nothing.

After checking the evaluator, the Matches appear to be empty. Is that supposed to be empty?

Screen Shot 2022-10-21 at 2.45.17 PM

Try using the id method.

Assign an element id to the input box, for example ‘searchInput’.
Now on the Search&Autocorrect plugin element’s properties, check the box that says ‘set text to match from an input box’, and put this same id ‘searchInput’ into the Input Box ID field

That should make it work

Ranjit from Atomic Fusion

Explore and reuse the community’s Bubble assets & Accelerate your Bubble development with Atomic Fusion

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@atomicfusion Thank you for giving me an idea. Actually, I also used this one, but you mentioned the sample ID ‘searchInput’, these are two words rolled into 1. So I figured that it does not allow 2 words which is actually the ID I issued. Now, I followed this format and now it is working!

Thank you my friend!

Ah! glad it works now :slight_smile:


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