I have an RG of Company “Cards” and an input field which filters them, and this function works fine! It searches the company_name and filters the RG based on the input field.
I am trying to apply the exact same principle in a RG that is in a Group Focus and for the life of me I cannot get it to filter the companies with the group focus. I can get the companies to populate correctly, but when I try to type in the input field nothing happens. I have been through countless videos on here and scoured the forums for what could be happening and no luck! The arbitrary text you see in there is the Input’s value converted to uppercase for searching. Thanks all!
A question.
Why do you need the advanced filter? You can directly filter in the search? If you are doing this specifically for uppercase, I would suggest to save uppercase/lowercase name in a seperate field and just compare.
The rest looks good. The setup if not the problem, quite difficult to find out what the issue is. Try having a look at the rg source in debug mode. It might give you more insight.
Hi @animisha45 thanks for the quick reply! When I was setting up filtering I kept running into the issue that if I was searching for the company “Peraton” if the user typed in “peraton” it wouldnt populate. I saw a trick on here that converting both the input and the Data Type helps to alleviate the case sensitivity! Which works well on the “Card” search