I’m trying to use the find & replace directly on a input. In my example below,
I have an input and a button, when I click on the button, I set a state of a group to be the input’s value where every “a” is replaced by an “x”. On the input, I have a conditional where everytime the state of the group is not empty, find the value of the input and replace it with the group’s state.
Everything seems to work except the last part. The value in the input isn’t replaced by the group’s state.
Hi there, @fbnc.vntrs… if I understand your post correctly, try setting the input’s Initial content field to the custom state’s value, and see if that produces the desired result. I know you are doing that in the conditional, but I mean the Initial content field on the input’s Appearance tab.
Ah, okay… add another step to your workflow that resets the group’s data, and you should be good to go. Oh, and I would still get rid of the conditional and set the input’s initial content to the custom state’s value.
You don’t have the initial content linked to the custom state. Instead, you are doing the find and replace in the initial content field… so, remove that expression and set the initial content to Group A's tag active.
By any chance, do you know how I could remove part of the input by clicking on the button? I mean, let’s say I have “this content” on the input, and i want by clicking on the button, to remove “this” ?