Firebase Storage Plugin

The Firebase Storage plugin allows you to securely extend the amount of storage in your bubble app!
In addition to including the action to upload files, this app also includes the action to anonymously log a user in with firebase so you can still keep the files uploaded in your app secure.

Link to demo HERE

Link to Editor HERE

Link to plugin page HERE

Link to firebase pricing HERE

If you have any questions or have purchased the plugin and need help implementing it, please email


Can we get a link to the Editor?

Just included a link to the editor

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Hi Riley,

Looks cool! So the plugin will give me a unique link, which I can then add to the Current User? Is there a way to only allow access of the files while on my domain? And to assign normal Bubble privacy rules?

Do you have documentation for the plugin? Easy to use?


Yeah, the plugin will give you are url that you can add to the current user!

As for privacy, there are two things to consider…
By default, the Firebase only allows users who are logged into to upload and access files. That’s is why the plugin gives you the action to anonymously login and logout a user ( with Firebase), so you can control who can upload / view files in your app.

Second, because the file url is being stored in the bubble database, you can apply privacy rules to that field to protect it as well.

Hope that helps!

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First I configured as showed below (I’m not sure if I’m right):


Now I need sync database sending from Bubble to Firebase, but I don’t know which is the correct workflow to use and how to do that:


Could someone please help me?



Hi Ryley,

With your plugin - I am looking for users to be able to upload large files.
Then other users are able to download after purchase

  • so I’d like to give each unique download links / add permissions for only the purchaser to be able to download the files.
  • How feasible is this / easy to implement.

Hello @ryley.randall thank you for the efforts and time you have put into this plugin. I have installed it followed what you have done exactly however i was not able to login. the text status on Firebase User Logged in text format on yes and no. show me The user is not logged In with firebase. Uploads will not work. i have set all the required information in FirebaseStorage. is there something missing? please advise. i have sent you an email as well.

Could you share a link?

That would be the best way for me to check it out and see if anything is wrong.

Hey @ryley.randall , is there a way to login not anonymously, creating an account mirroring the bubble account, that way I would be able to read all data using thunkable!!!


I have sent you PM.

Thank you @ryley.randall for the help
The issue was i had to enable anonymous login from the authentication section.

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Is there a limit on the bubble storage?

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I have question. as per the configuration in demo. we still have to upload the file to bubble then only the plugin will transfer it to firebase. i am wondering if my setting is correct. because with this setup i am still using bubble storage. or do i have to delete the file after?
please advise,

Yeah. You can delete the file from bubble after it is uploaded