Floating group center alignement

I have a floating group that doesnt want to be centered on the page, it sticks to the left side

Please help


What are the settings on the floating group? Can you share a link to your editor or at least some screenshots so we can help diagnose?

Did anybody figured the solution for this?

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I had the same problem on desktop view (>1000px) with a floating group:

  • Horizontally float relative to left
  • Width = 480px
  • Apply a max width when the page is stretched: 100%

I couldn’t choice the horizontal position of the floating group, so I made a group (that I can center horizontally) inside of it, with everything it contains. And I unchecked “apply a max width” of the floating group.

But it would be better if Bubble let us choice “Horizontally float relative to” -> center.


I really don’ see why bubble doesn’t offer a float relative to both in X as it does for the Y.
Anyway, the trick by @Noel solve the question.


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@Bubble any update on Horizontally float relative to center

@Noel Do you mean you created a regular group that could be centered and put the floating group inside that?

@fred.illies, here are the techniques I’m currently aware of.


or maybe just be able to click a “fix to top” button