Hello Bubblers. I am trying to fix a floating group to the bottom of my screen centered. For some reason I can not get the floating group to center with the rest of the groups. App link below… Been trying for hours must be something I missed (pull hair out)
I’m having the same issue, nobody seems to be able to help me, tried the forum, sixty, and even bubble support told me i should play around with the responsive features, but no luck yet
Floating group would not center
I took a quick look. The floating group is centered, but the rest of your content is left of center.
In order to center the other content, make it so that the margins on the left and right are equal (right now it’s 5px on the left and 2px on the right…which when stretched becomes 219px vs. 88px). If you set them both to, say, 2px then the group will be displayed in the center.
Screenshot w/ explanations from Bubble shown:
Thanks a lot Sridharan, I see the hidden groups are toying with me thanks!
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