Floating group placement


I sent a bug report…however with my hard headedness I had to dive deeper into the problem and figure it out for myself and think I have found the root cause of the problem.

It seems it has to do with the “replace” feature on the element. Originally my side menu was a group and I replaced it with a floating group.

I had played around with using javascript to set a Z-index and had the same issue with non-performing floating groups that I created by “replacing” groups with the floating groups. They did not respond to the JS as the groups had. So, I created “fresh” floating groups and using the same JS they responded the same way the groups did.

This app has the floating groups working appropriately and layering them correctly.


As a side note…on the app that I had the problem, which was fully built and way too detailed to change all the settings, and therefore deleting the side menu was not an option to rebuild with an element that was originally a floating group, I set up a Javascript to set the Z-index of the “fly out menu” that was covering the side menu.


Adding a 100ms pause was essential to getting this to work, as without the pause it didn’t set the Z-index on the “flyout menu” which is an element id of “sidemenu2”

Now I don’t need to spend hours reconfiguring the entire page to get it back to functioning correctly.