Footer problem displaying ion the front end

I am trying to set our footer but it won’t display on the front end. The settings are correct as far as I believe:

I can view it in the builder BUT the group above is over the top as below:

An then it won’t display on the front end - probably something very simple but just can’t figure it out

Your floating group is set to be sticky to the botton. Set it to top or nothing

Are you using your footer as a normal group or a reusable element? also double check its layout settings to see if your group is not hidding on page load, also check if there is no conditional causing it

It seems that the group containing the ‘Build Now’ button is also a floating group that is above your footer. Can you confirm that this container is a floating group?

If so, your footer is in all likelihood visible, but hidden below this floating group.
You can use the ‘bring to front’ action on your footer to bring it above your other group.

Having said that, footers are generally not floating groups. Footers are normal groups placed as the last group in a column container.
If you set your footer as a floating group it would always be visible on the user’s device, even if they haven’t scrolled down. This is not good UX.

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