☑ [Free Plugin] Air Checkbox Selection - Select/Unselect All, Toggle, Shift + click to select/deselect ranges of checkboxes, like in GMail

The Air CheckBox Selection plugin allows you to shift+click to select/deselect ranges of checkboxes, like in GMail.

See example below.
Unfortunately you don’t see me clicking the shift button in the screenshot. :smile:


How to use.

  1. Add the AirCheckboxSelection element to your page (it is a non-visual element)
  2. Assign an ID attribute to your repeating group.
  3. Enter the same id you assigned to your repeating group in the element property field.
  4. You’re done, no workflow or anything more to do.

Note: This plugin is designed for html checkboxes. So if you created your own custom checkboxes this plugin wont work.

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A million thanks! This really helps.

Plugin Update - Version 1.1.0

Plugin updated with 3 actions to Select All, Unselect All and Toggle All checkboxes.
To use:

  1. Add the AirCheckboxSelect element to the page
  2. Give the repeating group containing the checkboxes an ID Attribute.
  3. Enter the same id attribute in the plugin elements property.
  4. Action the actions for an event.


Here is a screencast

Demo page



First, I would like to thank you for your plugin. However, I’m wondering a question about the use of this plugin. When you say that « it’s not a visual element » (link : ☑ [Free Plugin] Air Checkbox Selection - Select/Unselect All, Toggle, Shift + click to select/deselect ranges of checkboxes, like in GMail), what do you mean ? Moreover, if I follow your instrcuctions, that means first, we have to add a Airchckboxesselection element in the page, assign an id to the reapeating group and enter the the same id in the id attribut property of this element and finally we have to add an HTML checkboxes element , isn’t it ?



“it is not visual” means it doesnt add anything to the page that you can see.

The instructions above doesn’t say anything about “adding HTML element to the page”.

I only made a note that this plugin is for HTML checkboxes like the bubble default checkbox. If you build your own checkbox with icons this plugin won’t work for such checkbox.

Hello. Your demo works fine for me. But in my app it only works if I double shift click. (A single shift click just makes my browser (or windows) highlight every call below my click)

  1. I noticed in the demo you’ve assigned the ID “checkers” to both the repeating group and the name of the myThing in text cell inside the group in the cell of the repeating group. (I tried this as well, but it didn’t change anything)

  2. Does this require a setting with air keyboard plugin?

I just read on your fullcalendar plugin forum post that an error may be generated by conflicts with additional plugins.

I created a new app with no plugins and the checkbox selection works fine. So there must be a conflict with one of my existing plugins.

I don’t know of any conflicts with this plugin.
The discussion on the Air Calandar plugin is a different issue and has nothing to do with this plugin.

I was not suggesting air calendar had anything to do with this plugin. I was just reporting that this plugin doesn’t work in my app (which has many plugins)

but does work in a new app I made (that has no other plugins)

I found the conflict - it was another plugin called “Styled Checkbox” . After I uninstalled that, it works perfectly.

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How would you for example, delete all selected?

Hi! Thank you for this solution! I’m using icons instead of checkboxes (for aesthetic reasons); is there a way to make it work with icons too?

Thank you for this plugin!

I have a repeating group that scrolls and have a select all button. However, it seems to only select rows that are loaded. I tried working around this but I get into a odd loop as I have the change state add to the list.

One idea is to have workflow also add the difference (unloaded rows) into the state. Not sure how robust this option is.

Any advice on workarounds would be helpful. Thank you

Hey @seanhoots, the ID attribute doesn’t show up for repeating groups.

Do you know how / if this has been resolved ?

Nope, I just made my own select/unselect all buttons from scratch

Does this plugin works? I have tired follow the instruction but not works at all :frowning_face:

Hi. I don’t know if it’s solved but have you tried clicking on “Expose option to add an ID attribute to HTML element”?

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Does this work on repeating groups now that have pagination?