Fuzzy Search & Autocomplete Plugin Query Speed Optimisation

Hi there again!

So today we’ve tried using “Fuzzy Search & Autocomplete” plugin to query our database based on an input, however, it took about 5-10 mins per query which is pretty long and would like to check whether the speed can be optiised.

Is anyone else facing the same issue?

yes, has been like that since I first tried it 6 years ago, so I decided never to use it. It loads your entire list, so it is incredibly slow.

There are other plugins that do something similar that are better in my opinion. Check them out and play around to find one suitable for you.


Hi @boston85719 that’s quite strange it’s still like this after years. Would you have any plugin to recommend that you’re using?

Hi @boston85719 ,

I’m trying to make a search where users can lookup/select post codes/suburbs via an input. There are approx. 15k records.

Using QuickFind this takes about 13 second to return results in a RG. Is this consistent with your use and do you have any recommendations?

I don’t really use the plugin enough to know why it might delay the results. What’s your setup?

@boston85719 could you pls take a look at this? I’ve written about it here + screenshots

Essentially a Data Type (suburbs/postcode) with 15,000 records. Takes 13 seconds to show any results on an Input box + focus group with results. Using QuickFind as it’s been the fastest so far… trying to work out if this is something I’ll need to use Algolia for, or if I’m doing something wrong.