Hey all!
I just released this plugin to optimize client-side Data, Nested-Data and Option set searching. You can now build your own fast, real-time search engine and enable facet filtering. (See live example Popup we search a 58k length list almost instantly).
Enable Algolia search-like functionalities and capabilities in minutes!! This is a great alternative to the Algolia search engine without having to export and push your Data to Algolia’s servers.
Add fast Sublime search to your application.
This Plugin enables the searching of types date, geographic address, number, text and yes/no fields.
Nested searches are fast and easy to implement.
Searching in Data with Option sets is now a breeze.
Real-time searching without exporting your Data to a third-party application.
Highlight the parts of the matched fields.
Want to add fast filtering options without defining multiple Conditional states? This Plugin is perfect for you.
Works great on Page, in Popups, Focus Groups, and Floating Groups.
Feel free to reach out to me for questions, report bugs, or request features!