Fuzzy search is not working

Fuzzy search always returning no value, I checked everything, I checked the id of the search input, I checked the data type, and it is the same, what is wrong?


I recommend staying away from Fuzzy Search because it loads the entire data source into the client’s browser before it can filter it.

Try storing an all-lowercase version of the “Class name” and search Class name-lowercase contains Input's value:lowercase :blush:


Hi @amer2,

Thank you for reaching out.

We noticed you’re missing a key condition in the repeating group. In addition to the condition you have for when the Search input is not empty, you’ll need to add another condition that checks whether the Fuzzysearch&Autocorrect Matches > 0.

This ensures that the repeating group only shows results when there are actual matches found by the fuzzy search. Without this, even if the input isn’t empty, the repeating group won’t display anything because it’s not being told to act when matches are present.

Please try adding the following condition:

When Fuzzysearch&Autocorrect Matches:count > 0
Set the data source to Fuzzysearch&Autocorrect Matches and ensure the repeating group is visible when this condition is true.
Once this is added, the fuzzy search should start returning values correctly.

For more details, you can check out the documentation for the ZQ Fuzzy Search & Autocomplete plugin and the demo page here.

Let us know if you need further help!

Best regards,
Zeroqode Support Team

Why nobody told me that it should be visible on page load? Any way thanks for you answer

Hi @amer2,

Glad to be helpful. Please feel free to reach us again when you need some help or assistance. It will be a pleasure to cooperate. :slightly_smiling_face:

By the way, if you like our plugin you can rate it by going to the Plugins tab in Bubble editor. Find the plugin by name and give it as many stars as it deserves. We would appreciate it a lot!

Best Regards,
Zeroqode Support Team

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Hi @ZeroqodeSupport , does this plugin work with Option Sets as a data source? I checked the documentation but it wasn’t clear.

Hi @randomanon ,

Thank you for reaching out!

The Fuzzy Search plugin does not support Option Sets as a data source. The plugin requires the data source to not be a list, and since Option Sets are essentially static lists, they are not compatible with the plugin.

For more information, you can refer to the documentation here: ZQ Fuzzy Search and Autocomplete Plugin.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out!

Best regards,
Zeroqode Support Team

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Hi tylerboodman,

What do you recommend to search item in a RG ?


I recommend creating a search field (text) and have a database trigger keep the field updated whenever other fields change. so Database trigger → Make changes to thing → set search field to a combination of the other fields (make them lowercase). Then when you go to search do searchField contains Input's value:lowercase

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Make them lowercase, and remove spaces:

searchField = Text:lowercase:find and replace (find space, replace with nothing).

Your RG constraint is Input's value:lowercase:find and replace (find space, replace with nothing).

This makes your search case insensitive, and space insensitive, so searching Space Dog would match database entries for Space Dog, SpaceDog, spacedog, spaceDog etc.

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Thank you both !!

Hi guys. I am facing an issue with the plugin. I have two repeating groups on page, “collection of drills” and “drills”. Fuzzy is set to filter the second RG, “drills”.

When the page loads initially, the search works for drills. Then, after I click on any collection (that serves to show drills in the second “drills” RG using custom state) the search stops working altogether.

It worked fine yesterday, but today I made some new features on the page, none related to the fuzzy functionality, and the issue came up.

I’d appreciate your help. I really like the plugin and would like to solve this issue so I can keep using it.

This is the page I am using Fuzzy on drills.golf | Library


Hey @karaulal,

Thanks for reaching out and for your kind words about the plugin! :blush:

Could you share a bit more about your setup? Specifically, how your workflows handle custom state changes and how the plugin element is configured? We checked your page and noticed that after changing the state, no results are being generated.

If the issue persists, we’d be happy to take a closer look! You can add our Support Team as a collaborator in your app by following these steps:

:one: Go to Settings in your Bubble Editor.
:two: Click on Collaboration.
:three: Add support@zeroqode.com as a collaborator.
:four: Create a test page replicating the issue and let us know where to find it.
:five: Provide specific steps to reproduce the issue, including details on the devices and browsers you’ve tested on.

Looking forward to your update—we’ll do our best to get this sorted for you! :blush:

Best Regards,
Support Team
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Hi guys,

I managed to fix the issue.

I had three workflows for every instance of the custom state, set up on a “collection of drills” repeating group. The issue was that I also had a different display data source at each of these workflows, and these display rules were overwriting the filters in the “drills” repeating group. A new data source has been assigned on click and no filter worked as a result.

I simplified the process and used only one data source, instead of assigning different data sources for each instance I set up one condition in the :filtered

I hope this logic helps someone.

I appreciate your response, I’m glad you took interest in resolving the issue.


Hi @karaulal ,
We are so glad everything is running smoothly now. :raised_hands:
If you ever need assistance or have more questions, feel free to reach out anytime—it’s always a pleasure to help! :blush:
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