Geographic address search results

Hi there. I am very new to Bubble, and I can’t seem to find any help on this particular topic - and I’ve searched everywhere! I am sure it’s a really easy thing for you more computer literate guys to solve!

I would like to replicate the functionality on part of the website, whereby a user enters a UK postcode (or ZIP code for you guys in the US) and as soon as the full postcode has been entered (and without hitting ‘enter’, or even a save/ submit button) a separate dropdown box then becomes visible, where the user can select their specific address from all the available addresses with that particular postcode.

I have installed the Client and Server API keys for Google on the Bubble Settings > General tab . I think it has been installed correctly.

Please see attached screenshots which will hopefully help you understand better!

Thank you so much to anyone with the time and patience to respond!


Hi @andrew_crowe, how are you?

This could be very simply done by using a plugin called “fuzzy search” and having the dropdown only visible when it has found a result.

It might be a bit hard to explain via text but simply put, you would have fuzzy search connected to your API and when it finds a result that matches the inputs post code, the dropdown becomes visible and only show the results of fuzzy searches results.

I hope that makes sense lol

Thanks for your response.