📲 GoNative Bridge - Plugin from EzCode

gonative_bridgeplugin GoNative Bridge

Control native features from your wrapped Bubble app via standard workflow actions.
Works for both platforms, iOS and Andriod.


Status Bar styling


Open Native Tab menu

You can change icons, texts, links and amount of tabs, dynamically.


Open App Settings

Will open native settings menu of your app on users device.


Trigger Native Share menu

You can set any link or text to be shared.


Other features:

  • States with Device/App info such as build version, os version, platform, language and others.

  • Action to clear WebView Cache


Your Bubble App should be wrapped in a gonative.io container in order to use this plugin.
No need to make any changes in the main container configuration.
Install the plugin and it is ready to go

Demo: https://ezplugins-demo-1.bubbleapps.io/
The Demo page is running a live iOS simulator that is limited to 1 user at a time so in order to test it please, run the app and wait until it becomes available.

Editor: https://bubble.io/page?version=live&name=index&id=ezplugins-demo-1&test_plugin=1600853993296x581228152780488700_current&tab=tabs-1
Market: Plugins | Bubble

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Feel free to contact us for any inquiries and we’ll be happy to find a solution for your ideas

Regards, Andrew from EzCode Team