The plugin triggers the native sharing mechanism of the mobile device and from there user can share anywhere including Instagram Direct, Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Messenger, Email, SMS, WhatsApp and any other native app that supports this feature.
Works for iOS and Android.
You can set dynamically Title, Body text and url that will be shared.
Supported browsers:
Chrome for Android
Opera for Android
Safari on iOS
Safari on MacOS
! Important - This feature is not supported in webview wrappers.
On desktop this feature is not available except for Safari.
The plugin will automatically check if it can run on current device and will set the state,Is Device Supported , to Yes or No.
Plugin will trigger an event, Content Shared Successfully, after user choose where to share.
Plugin Action:
Open Share Menu : Run this when you want to open native share menu, the menu is different on iOS and Android.
Plugin States:
Shared Title
Shared Text
Shared URL
Is Device Supported
User device
User browser
Plugin Events:
Content Shared Successfully
Error Occurred
Your website has to be served over HTTPS
The Action can only be triggered in response to some user action (such as a click event)
The plugin is sold as is, although additional modification can be discussed. Feel free to contact us for any inquiries and we’ll be happy to find a solution for your ideas -
Following is my work flow when i press a button
any problem with this?
its working in browser.
problem is in wrapper.
which wrapper you tried?
I was using webview gold. please try with that wrapper.
This feature is not supported in Android webview
Here is a screenshot from official documentation of this feature:
For ios we have tried it in the react-native webview and it didn’t worked
As a workaround we are preparing an update with the ability to send a message to react-native to trigger this feature from the native part (more details will be in the update post)
If you are using react-native, we can help you implement this feature from the native part.
Thanks for the info. We actually haven’t tried to add the native wrapper to our app yet. We were planning to use PhoneGap or GoNative. I was asking because before I purchased the plugin and got it working in my app, I wanted to know if it’d serve our needs.
It looks like it won’t work for what we need, and that’s ok. Thanks anyways.
I’m also getting the same error. It seems to work, i send a link to someone, when they click the link and go back to the same screen and click share again i get this error
Fixed a bug when the action is triggered without setting an url and this would share an empty string.
New action for react-native webveiw
React-native: trigger Share Menu action
This will post a message to react-native native code in a stringified json that contains title, text and url.
On the native part this should be parsed and used to trigger native share from there. If you need help to set up this feature, contact us.