Hi, all! I just integrated Google APIs with my Bubble.io app, but my address field is not fetching any location based on provided keyword?
My Google Cloud Console has activated Free trial, but still it’s not working.
How do I ensure when a user types “London” it shows all the places suggestions related to London?

Try to check console to see what error you are getting. Hard to say without the error.
Also, You need to be on the paid plan (on Bubble) to be able to access the Google Location API. So ensure you have that as well.
Yes, I am on the paid plan and my app is already published. I am checking Console logs, but I cannot see any error in it.
Oh, I see you are using the input. Use a searchbox instead. The user will be able to get the options when they type.
Hi! I tried adding searchbox, but it still doesn’t show any results/suggestions on typing.