Hello! I have been trying to enable my API so I can search for some locations to add that as the users address. I have searchbox to do this. I have enabled all 5 API’s and I have also put the API keys into bubble. But I keep getting this error in the console when I try to search for a place. It seems to be able to search it and save the location but It does not show in the search results on my search box. Can anybody help?
Just make your API non restricted
And see if it works, because clearly it’s an authorisation issue
it just started working by itself randomly
It’s randomly working/not working for me as well. I’ve generated an API key for using places API and even though the restriction on website is set correctly it randomly works and stop working giving an error like the one attached. Sometimes, randomly, it works…but it’s like 2-3% of the times. Removing the website restriction it works properly. Is anybody else having the same issue? any idea about how to fix this?
Apparently it just randomly just works, honestly have no idea why. Firstly make sure that the URL you entered in the website restrictions includes a “" at the end, for example. "yourwebsite-testing.bubbleapps.io/ ← * goes right after the /” Other than that if you did everything correctly and added the correct API keys in bubble from the Client side and the Server side. There shouldn’t be an issue but I have no idea why it just randomly doesn’t work or starts working. Im assuming its maybe because its only a test domain or something like that so it finds it difficult to authorize whatever it needs to do. I would say leave it as it is for a day or two without changing anything and just keep checking if it works. For me it worked by itself after like a day. But just don’t keep switching things or adding new API keys until at least a day or two have passed since I think google does some security checks and stuff before it starts working.
Hope that helps!
Confirm, everything was set correctly.
Will try. But it’s very weird that, if google is doing checks before making it work, they make it work if you just remove website restrictions…
I can even create a new api key and if I don’t set any website restrictions it works even after half second, no need to wait.
So weird, anybody else experiencing this issue?
Yeah no idea why it’s like this to be honest, i’ve seen a lot of other people coming across this issue as well. I’d suggest that if you’ve done everything correctly, just let it be and it should work.
Other people on the forum are talking about this issue? I couldn’t find anything else except this post. However, in some way it’s good that the issue is not caused by us…it means that sooner or later google (or bubble) will fix it (hopefully)
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