Google Map Extended Plugin Bubble

Hello, I’m stuck with a little problem I would be so happy if I get some help.

First, how can I use Google map Extended plugin to live track a trip like in an uber app. So like when driver is moving to pick up location I can see in the map that driver is moving.

Second, Can I update markers on “Directions MapsExtended”? The only option I have is to hide or show markers. I want to use a custom maker.

Thanks in advance

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Also need help with this also
Don’t know if @AliFarahat is active here any longer
Tagging him so he sees this and is free to offer some assistance :pray:

Thanks for the tag @tobixzybolumole

@pickndropghapp The short answer is yes you can do that with Google Maps Extended Plugin.

The long answer is you should not use it that way. :wink:

@pickndropghapp its a bit complex explaining how to do this, if you need help setting something up please reach out to me by booking a link so I can understand your requirements and can better advice you

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Was great connecting with you
Really love how you you squeeze time to help others
Thanks once again for your assistance!

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