Google Map toggle fullscreen view

I have several maps in my app. In each map there is a Toggle fullscreen view icon automatically loaded in each map

How do I get this to work - is there a workflow I need to be using when a user clicks on this icon?? Is it even an icon??

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Did you ever resolve this? The fullscreen button on my map makes the browser blink once but it never fully achieves fullscreen. Is that the issue that you’re having?

@spencer yes this is the problem I am having and it is still not resolved. If anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated

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wow such a long time later :sweat_smile:
I am facing that same issue in safari browser and I still can’t find a solution for it

@hanan1 I have not looked at this for some time. I have just gone back and had a look and it is now working just fine in my live app. First time I have actually seen it work. I am using Chrome. No idea what has happened to make it work as I did nothing myself to fix it. Sorry I can not be more helpful

thanks for checking! yes it is indeed working in chrome. My problem is only in a Safari browser which I understand is not uncommon. I just added an unclickable element on top of the element to hide it :expressionless: